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Download instructions for EDA2.3 (SUDOANG project)
latest run : december - january 2021
Download of shape files will soon be available in in the project site but in the meantime here you can download postgres dump. The folder where all backup files for EDA2.3 can be downloaded is Drive EPTB. First take a look at the Atlas, you will look at the definitions and see what you need. All tables are in ESPG:3035 (European LAEA) don't forget to reproject if you want ot use it. The project is currently in version final (upload these day 17/05 30/05). |
Create an eda2.3 database
note : the current version is postgresSQL 12 Later we will provide some shapefile, for now you have to use postgis.
Initial command | # open a shell with command CMD # Move to the place where you have downloaded the file using the following command cd c:/path/to/my/folder # note psql must be accessible, in windows you can add the path to the postgres #bin folder, otherwise you need to add the full path to the postgres bin folder see link to instructions below createdb -U postgres eda2.3 psql -U postgres eda2.3 # this will open a command with # where you can launch the commands in the next box instructions on how to set path for psql set_path create extension "postgis"; create extension "dblink"; create extension "ltree"; create extension "tablefunc"; create schema dbeel_rivers; create schema france; create schema spain; create schema portugal; -- type \q to quit the psql shell |
Now the database is ready to receive the differents dumps. The dump file are large. You might not need the part including unit basins or waterbodies. All the tables are described in the Atlas. You might need to understand what is inheritance in a database.
For the next layer Unit basins I'm giving more details because the file will not be described in the Atlas
Now the waterbodies we have kept the structure from the source table in WISE or from the bd_topage.
Additional tablesResult per yearThis table is similar to dbeel_rivers.rne ... only eel results, it has less columns but it does not only contains the predictions for 2015 but for all years. Beware it's huge ! pg_restore -U postgres -d eda2.3 "dbeel_rivers.rne_annual.backup" Cumulated dam metricsThese data include an extraction from BDOE, ICE, ROE database in July 2020, and dam data integration from Spain and Portugal in the course of 2020 with the best data available at the time.
In rna table variable description
pg_restore -U postgres -d eda2.3 'dbeel_rivers.rnadam.backup.backup' LicenceLicense agreementThe whole dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 4.0. Some parts as indicated in the Atlas are governed by their own licence. The eel dataset is the work of the sudoang team, and we permit reuse of the data for any purpose including commercial. In cases where original licenses. By downloading and using the data the user agrees to the terms and conditions of these licenses. Disclaimer of warrantyThe sudoang database and any related materials contained therein are provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninterference, system integration, or noninfringement. The entire risk of use of the data shall be with the user. The user expressly acknowledges that the data may contain some nonconformities, defects, or errors. The authors do not warrant that the data will meet the user's needs or expectations, that the use of the data will be uninterrupted, or that all nonconformities, defects, or errors can or will be corrected. The authors are not inviting reliance on these data, and the user should always verify actual data. Limitation of liabilityIn no event shall the authors be liable for costs of procurement of substitute goods or services, lost profits, lost sales or business expenditures, investments, or commitments in connection with any business, loss of any goodwill, or for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damages arising out of the use of the sudoang database and any related materials, however caused, on any theory of liability, and whether or not the authors have been advised of the possibility of such damage. These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any exclusive remedy commands to create the dump fileshere the commands we (Maria and Cédric) need to re-run to get the final versions of the files rn cd "C:\Users\cedric.briand\OneDrive - EPTB Vilaine\partage\EDA_download" pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "dbeel_rivers.rn.backup" --table dbeel_rivers.rn eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "france.rn.backup" --table france.rn eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "spain.rn.backup" --table spain.rn eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "portugal.rn.backup" --table portugal.rn eda2.3 rna pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "dbeel_rivers.rna.backup" --table dbeel_rivers.rna eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "france.rna.backup" --table france.rna eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "spain.rna.backup" --table spain.rna eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "portugal.rna.backup" --table portugal.rna eda2.3 rne pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "dbeel_rivers.rne.backup" --table dbeel_rivers.rne eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "france.rne.backup" --table france.rne eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "spain.rne.backup" --table spain.rne eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "portugal.rne.backup" --table portugal.rne eda2.3 rne_annual pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "dbeel_rivers.rne_annual.backup" --table dbeel_rivers.rne_annual eda2.3 unit_basins pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "dbeel_rivers.basinunit_bu.backup" --table dbeel_rivers.basinunit_bu eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "spain.basinunit_bu.backup" --table spain.basinunit_bu eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "portugal.basinunit_bu.backup" --table portugal.basinunit_bu eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "spain.basinunitout_buo.backup" --table spain.basinunitout_buo eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "portugal.basinunitout_buo.backup" --table portugal.basinunitout_buo eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "france.basinunitout_buo.backup" --table france.basinunitout_buo eda2.3 Waterbodies pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "dbeel_rivers.waterbody_unitbv.backup" --table dbeel_rivers.waterbody_unitbv eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "spain.waterbody_unitbv.backup" --table spain.waterbody_unitbv eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "portugal.waterbody_unitbv.backup" --table portugal.waterbody_unitbv eda2.3 pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "france.waterbody_unitbv.backup" --table france.waterbody_unitbv eda2.3 Cumulated dam metrics pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -f "dbeel_rivers.rnadam.backup" --table dbeel_rivers.rnadam eda2.3 Code for functions SELECT pg_get_functiondef(pgp.oid) FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc pgp INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace pgn ON (pgp.pronamespace = pgn.oid) WHERE pgn.nspname = 'dbeel_rivers'; Shape export pgsql2shp -u postgres -g geom -P XXXXX -f "rn_rna" eda2.3 "SELECT idsegment,lengthm,nextdownidsegment,path,isfrontier,issource,seaidsegment,issea,isendoreic, isinternational,country,altitudem,distanceseam,distancesourcem,cumnbdam,medianflowm3ps, surfaceunitbvm2,surfacebvm2,strahler,shreeve,codesea,name,pfafriver,pfafsegment,basin, riverwidthm,riverwidthmsource,temperature,wettedsurfacem2,wettedsurfaceotherm2,lengthriverm, emu,cumheightdam,slope,dis_m3_pyr_riveratlas,dis_m3_pmn_riveratlas,dis_m3_pmx_riveratlas, drought,drought_type_calc, st_transform(geom,4326) as geom FROM spain.rn_rna" |